O IMPACTO DO CLIMA ORGANIZACIONAL NA PRODUTIVIDADE: UM ESTUDO DE CASO NUMA AGÊNCIA BANCÁRIA (The impact of climate on organizational productivity: a case study in a bank agency ) - Recebido em: 26/05/2011 - Resultado de Aprovação em: 30/06/2011 - Disponibilizado em: 15/07/2011
RESUMO: O objetivo principal deste artigo foi identificar a importância do clima organizacional para melhoria da produtividade na empresa analisando quais os fatores que afetam o clima organizacional e, conseqüentemente, o desempenho dos colaboradores. A pesquisa foi de caráter descritivo, na qual abordou aspectos teóricos referentes ao estudo acerca dos recursos humanos, gestão de pessoas, motivação e clima organizacional. Ao final do estudo foi possível perceber que o clima organizacional é de suma importância para a organização, pois, através do estudo e da pesquisa do clima organizacional, percebe-se a maneira, positiva ou negativa, de como os colaboradores, influenciados por fatores internos ou externos à organização, percebem e reage num determinado momento, ao conjunto de variáveis e fatores como as políticas, os procedimentos, usos e costumes existentes e praticados pela organização. Para que uma organização utilize-se dessa importante ferramenta, torna-se necessário que se desenvolva, aplique e analise os resultados da pesquisa, abrangendo a totalidade de colaboradores da empresa, em todos os níveis.
Palavras-chave: Clima Organizacional. Motivação. Pessoas. Produtividade.
ABSTRACT: The main objective of this paper was to identify the importance of organizational climate for productivity improvement in the company by analyzing the factors that affect the organizational climate, and consequently the performance of employees. The research is descriptive, in which he discussed issues concerning the theoretical study of human resources, personnel management, motivation and organizational climate. At the end of the study it is noted that the organizational climate is critical to the organization because, through study and research on the organizational climate, one sees the way, positive or negative, as the developers were influenced by internal factors or outside the organization, perceive and react in a certain moment, the set of variables and factors such as policies, procedures, practices and customs and practiced by the existing organization. For an organization to use this important tool, it becomes necessary to develop, apply and analyze the survey results, covering the whole of company employees at all levels.
Keywords: Organizational Climate. Motivation. People. Productivity.
Palavras-chave: Clima Organizacional. Motivação. Pessoas. Produtividade.
ABSTRACT: The main objective of this paper was to identify the importance of organizational climate for productivity improvement in the company by analyzing the factors that affect the organizational climate, and consequently the performance of employees. The research is descriptive, in which he discussed issues concerning the theoretical study of human resources, personnel management, motivation and organizational climate. At the end of the study it is noted that the organizational climate is critical to the organization because, through study and research on the organizational climate, one sees the way, positive or negative, as the developers were influenced by internal factors or outside the organization, perceive and react in a certain moment, the set of variables and factors such as policies, procedures, practices and customs and practiced by the existing organization. For an organization to use this important tool, it becomes necessary to develop, apply and analyze the survey results, covering the whole of company employees at all levels.
Keywords: Organizational Climate. Motivation. People. Productivity.